Tuesday, October 1, 2013


Some people accept the diagnosis of Down syndrome immediately, and for some it takes weeks, months, and sometimes even years. A lot of you know that I did not accept the news after Camden was born very graciously. In fact, it was pretty ugly for me. The first few months were dark, scary, depressing and sad. I didn't laugh or smile. I just cried. There was no joy. My friends and family (not even Richard) knew what I was feeling. I had to be strong, because I knew everybody would follow my lead. Richard had accepted everything within a few short weeks, and at that point, I definitely didn't want to share my feelings with him because I did not want to take away his joy. I just felt alone.  A lot of people will say "if I knew then what I know now, it would have saved me a lot of tears". I don't feel that is true for me. I think I had to go through all of those emotions to come out on the other side. Once I started this blog I was able to share my feelings with friends, family, and even strangers. It was easier for me to write (or type) things out. I realized the more I opened up the better I felt. Then I started searching for others who understood what I was going through, because I no longer want to feel alone. I started to become part of an amazing community that I never knew existed. I began talking to, and sharing my feelings with these new friends. They saved me from spiraling even deeper into that dark place. Soon, I started to realize that my life was not over. I stopped hiding and being selfish and started to be present. I then saw that I had this tiny human being that I created lying next to me that needed me. So, I started to hold my head up, and started taking care of my family. With each passing day things got better. I fell more in love with my son and created an indescribable bond. I would still get sad, but it was not near to the magnitude of feelings I had in the beginning. Even though things were so much better, I realized that I still did not fully accept the fact that Camden has Down syndrome. A part of me still grieved that fact a bit, and I think a part of me was in denial. I just couldn't possibly believe that I had a son with special needs. I started to wonder if I would ever accept it. It would break my heart, because I knew if I couldn't accept that he had Ds, I wasn't fully accepting him. If I'm not fully accepting him, how could I continue to fight for society to accept him. I was a hypocrite.
Then over the last couple of weeks something started to change. I would look at Camden and just start to cry, but they were not tears of sadness, they were tears of joy. I started to see just how lucky and blessed I am and how much I love this little boy with all my heart no matter what. I started to feel lighter, as if a heavy load was taken off my shoulders. The other day he was taking a nap in my room and I came around the corner to check on him. He happened to be awake and when he saw me his face lit up with that cute smile of his and he reached his arms out to me. He had never done this before, so I wasn't quite sure if that's what he was trying to do. So, I went back around the corner, and then when I came back around, he looked at me with a huge smile and reached out to me again. I broke down in tears because that's when it hit me. Everything became so clear. I suppose I can sum up this whole post in one sentence.
 "Camden...I see YOU, and I fully accept every single ounce of you!"


  1. You are such an inspiration! I realized I was one of those ppl who referred to DS babies as their condition and not them as a person. For that I am sorry and I will not do it again. Thank u for sharing ur story and opening my eyes to my own faults. Camden is a hansome young man and his smile make a person want to smile. All the blessings to ur family Diane!

    1. Oh Janie, you are too sweet. I was the same way. I didn't know any better. After having Camden though, I see everything so differently now. I definitely interact with patients and their families a lot differently now.

  2. Everyone approaches their Ds diagnosis differently and I think every way is OK. I'm glad you were brave to share yours--I don't think many people are. I'm glad you have found support in the community; that is so important. Camden is a cutie and I'm sure he'll continue to surprise you!

    1. Thank you Stephanie! You are so right. Everyone's journey is so different and there is no right or wrong. I used to be so ashamed at how I felt, but I started to learn from others that is was okay. That's why I share my experience with others. And you fellow bloggers give me the courage to open up. ;)

  3. The "If I only knew" phrase never rang true for me either. I thought some dark thoughts, went to some dark places, but that was a necessary part of my path. Personal growth is hard, isn't it??? But then there are those moments of clarity and joy. I love reading your words, and seeing little Camden grow up. :)

    1. I definitely feel that all my emotions helped me to grow into the person I am now. That's how it as supposed to be and I see that now...finally! It only took a year! Yep...our boys are about to be a year old! Sniff...

  4. So true mama. I had to go through all the ugliness to get to the beauty. Camden is so awesome and I feel so privileged knowing the both of you!

    1. Thank you so much Crystal! I honestly don't know what I would have done if I didn't find you ladies. Hugs to you and Baxter! ;)

  5. I'm big on the "If I knew then" phrase, it just rings true to me and what I went through. As important as those initial feelings of grief were for me to get to where I am now...If I had known back then how amazing and full of life Russell would be...I would not have grieved as hard as I did. But I agree with what Stephanie said above, there is no wrong way to do this. We all have our own unique paths. I thought this post was absolutely beautiful :)

    1. "There is no wrong way to do this." That could not be more true. I was so scared that I was this terrible person for feeling these things. It took a while to realize it was okay. All of our journeys are different, but we are still in it together too.

  6. Welcome to the 31 for 21 challenge! We all have to find our way to acceptance, whether it happens right away or not, but it sure helps to share stories and know you're not the only one who has felt what you felt!
