Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Day 30: Caj, Davis and Sophia

Meet Caj! He is 11 months old.

Biggest challenge Ds has brought to his family: The stigma and my worries for his future. One day he will stop being a cute baby and will become an adult. It scares me to think that he might not find a place outside of our family. I don't want him to be valued despite Down syndrome, but with it.

Coolest thing about Caj: This isn't about Down syndrome specifically, but I think the coolest thing about having a child with Down syndrome is the disability culture I've discovered. There is a whole community of people who live with disabilities who are fighting for a future in which my son is not only accepted, but celebrated. Being exposed to disability culture has been life-changing for us all. And it's cool that my son has an unprecedented love for anything sung by Barry White.

I connected with Caj's mom just a couple of months after Camden was born. We met on Babycenter and then we both ended up in the Rockin Moms group I often talk about. She has become a good friend of mine. Our boys are little Korean buddies from afar. She is also an excellent writer who writes about great topics and she is hilarious! She truly has a talent for it. Please go check out her blog.

Meet Davis! He is 20 months old.

Biggest challenge Ds has brought to his family: Overcoming negative societal views regarding Ds. But I like a good challenge! I'm always happy to let others know how awesome Davis is and how he is more like other kids than different.

Coolest thing about Davis: His incredible social skills--he's always willing to offer a "hi" and a smile to anyone!

Meet Sophia! She is 2 years and 4 months old.

Biggest challenge Ds has brought to her family: Her heart surgery at 13 weeks of age and being told she wasn't going to make it.

Coolest thing about Sophia: She makes everyone smile and has this infectious personality that makes everyone love her just as much as I do!

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