Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Day 8: Owen

Meet Owen! He is 9 months old.

Biggest challenge Ds has brought to his family: The inaccurate information about Ds in society. The expectations can be incredibly low, so we have made it a point to set our own path and let Owen be Owen. We will support him and guide him, and I cannot wait to see all the things he will accomplish throughout his lifetime!

Coolest thing about Owen: At almost 9 months, he is sporting his bottom two teeth! Also, he has great friends all around the world and his own FB page! How many people can say that?

Owen's mommy is pretty darn awesome too! She is the one responsible for starting our Rockin Moms group that I always talk about. She has created something truly special and these are ladies that I know will be lifelong friends. Also, I have had the pleasure of meeting this sweet boy and his family when we went to Chicago this summer. We hope to see them next year too! Check out his mom's blog to see more of this cutie pie and his family!

1 comment:

  1. Hey I know that guy! I love our Rockin Moms group and am so glad to call you my friends.
