Monday, September 23, 2013


My sweet peanut has bronchiolitis...again. The rest of the family has actually been sick over the past week and I was so relieved that Camden didn't catch the funk. I guess I was wrong. I came home from work on Saturday and I walk in my mom's house to a sweet but pathetic looking baby boy. He definitely was not feeling his best. We were staying at my mom's for the weekend so she could watch the boys while I worked. I usually don't have anything there, like a nebulizer machine, but for some reason I packed it this time. I gave him a couple of breathing treatments with the help of a very thoughtful four year old.

We didn't get any sleep because Camden was so miserable. I think we both slept from 2-4. I was lucky that I was able to get off work yesterday so I could stay home with him. His breathing started getting pretty labored and then he started having retractions so I decided to take him to the Urgent Care Clinic. We were the only ones there which was awesome and we were seen right away. From that point to end of the visit was pretty much just annoying. The nurse asked me if there was any health history and I listed off everything including that he has Trisomy 21. Sometimes I say that and other times I say Down syndrome. I have no reason for which one I say. I just like to switch it up I guess. Then she starts to assess him and randomly turns around and asks "Trisomy 21...I assume that is Down syndrome?" I told her she assumed right and that I was sorry I wasn't clear. No big deal. "Okay, he's Downs" she then says. Ummm...he has Down syndrome, yes. I just want to say that I'm not easily offended with little things like this. I know people mean well and sometimes don't word things properly. I really get that. Then the doctor comes in and the nurse goes on to tell her his history and then says "and he's Downs". I really wanted to say "He is Camden, and he has Down syndrome", but I didn't. I was annoyed, but I just brushed it off. Again, it's not that big of a deal. Then she goes to suction his nose with a bulb suction and Camden let her do it without a fuss. "Oh your such a good boy. Those Down's kids are so laid back and don't fuss" she says. I then explain that he doesn't throw a fit when you suck his snot out because his mama does this on a daily basis. He's used to it. We give him a breathing treatment while we're there, he is also used to these, and of course she comments on how he's not even crying or fussing for being so sick because those Down's kids are so happy and laid back. Lady, you should have been with us last night when he was crying all night. He was NOT happy and laid back! At this point I just rolled my eyes and sat quietly in the chair waiting to sign the papers to go home. Maybe I'm being a little over the top, but it's really frustrating when your child is not seen as an individual. He is seen as one of those kids. He is seen as a Down's baby. There are many components that make up Camden and Ds just happens to be one of those, but it does not define who he is. I want people to see him.

Okay, my rant is over about that subject. He didn't need oxygen so we were able to go home and do the rest at home. We are doing breathing treatments around the clock for the next few days with some other respiratory therapy type treatments and he should be good to go. He's a tough little cookie!

I did manage to get a small smile.


  1. Aw, poor little man. Hope he feels better soon! I try not to be "overly sensitive" to people who mean well...But really, I cannot STAND when people call my son a Downs. It just makes it sound like he is a rare breed of dog or something. That's how I feel anyway. I know lot's of other Mom's don't care as much, but for me personally, I just can't stand it.

    1. "Rare breed of dog"...exactly Jenny! I know people are not being rude but I feel like he's not even a person when things like that are said. I know things bother me that don't bother some. I feel I'm working so hard for acceptance and inclusion and yet he's still just a Downs kid. Drives me nuts!

  2. It's one thing if that phrasing (which I CANNOT stand!) comes from your elderly aunt or great-grandma or something along those lines--basically a much older generation who typically don't know any better. But I would have a BIG problem if a medical professional talked to me like that about Owen. I walked out of his first pediatrician's appointment after he was born. Owen had some "man parts issues" that eventually were corrected by surgery. However this pediatrician told me it "wasn't a big deal because Down's boys are sterile any way". I literally picked Owen up and walked out and never went back. She even had the nerve to try to bill me and I disputed it with my insurance and won. Medical professionals should know better!

    I hope C is feeling much better. Like I said to you on FB, Owen had lots of congestion issues and used a neb frequently his first 2 years of life. He still gets congested but it typically goes away quickly and we don't have to use the neb at all anymore.

    1. Wow Stephanie! I can't believe he really said that! Why do they think that's okay? I need to be a little braver and just politely correct people from now on instead of just letting it go and then venting later. Ugh.

      Camden has been congested since birth. It used to drive me nuts but I guess I got used to it. I get so nervous when he gets really sick because of his heart. I feel like he's been sick a lot. :( Maybe when he gets to be about 2 it will get better like with Owen.

  3. Argh! It is FRUSTRATING when people do that kind of stuff! Her while thing about the "Down's kids being so laid back" is exactly how stereotypes happen, right? I bet if someone ever confronted her she'd use Cam as an example of when the stereotype was true, even though that wasn't closer to the reality of things. Some people just see what they want to see, ugh.

    I hope little Camden feels better soon, that little smile is still so cute, sickness and all.

    1. Right?! That's why I had to make it very clear that he's letting you do this because it is part of his daily routine. Then she said that all Downs babies get sick often because of small airways. So, I had to let her know that several of Camden's buddies have been quite healthy actually. Grrrrrrr.

  4. So irritating! Sorry to hear about the interaction with the nurse. I never know what to do in those situations. Sometimes I try to educate and correct, sometimes I just get plain ticked off, and sometimes I just try to let it roll off.

    I'm glad Camden is home and feeling better - hoping you all get more sleep tonight!

    1. That's exactly how I am Deborah. I know she wasn't being mean so I wasn't sure what to say. Then again if I don't say something that kind of thing will continue to happen. It did really frustrate me though. I now think back to situations as a nurse wondering what things I may have said to parents.
