Monday, September 2, 2013

Dear Carter

Dear Carter,

Today you turn four years old. These past four years have really flown by. I still remember the day you were born like it was yesterday. I was so excited to be pregnant with you. I just couldn't wait to have kids. When you arrived in this world on September 2, 2009 at 1:45 pm, I instantly felt a love that I never knew existed. I knew we were connected for eternity. You immediately had your daddy and I wrapped around your little finger. You were a very laid back baby,taking your time to do everything. Looking back I don't know why I was in such a hurry for you to crawl or walk. None of that matters today. Ever since you were little I could see that mind of yours working. You were always very serious only flashing smiles when you felt it was necessary. By the time you turned two everyone worried because you were not much of a talker. This in turn made your mommy worry. You were a boy of few words but your brain was like a little sponge soaking everything up. I still remember walking with you through the grocery store and hearing a child counting and speaking in Spanish. I looked down and realized it was you. I was so amazed and asked you where you had learned that. "Dora" you replied. I don't know why that day stuck in my head so clearly, but it's one I will always remember. Around three years of age you wouldn't stop talking. All that worry for nothing. You are one of the smartest little boys I know (maybe I'm a bit biased). Your thought processing and problem solving skills still astound me. I know you are going to do something big one day. You are also so very tender hearted. You have always cared about what others are feeling. You are a compassionate and thoughtful little boy. There were times you walked in on me crying and I would feel your little hand on my back and then you would ask "mommy, what's wrong? Are you okay?" That was all I needed to get up and press on. You have been through a lot in the last year and you were so amazing through it all. You didn't complain and just went with the flow. You have been the best big bubba to Camden. I never could have imagined how much you would love him. The joy and love I see in your eyes every time you go to hug him still melts my heart. You love so purely and completely. You have taught me so much in these four years. I love you to the moon and back. Happy Birthday baby!



  1. What a lovely birthday note to your boy! Happy birthday!

    1. Thanks Stephanie! I get caught up in writing about Ds, so this was a nice change!

  2. Just beautiful. One day I'll meet all of those wonderful kids. You did good, mama!

    1. Yes you will my friend! I can't wait for that day! ;)

  3. Happy Birthday to that sweet boy of yours. Hope he had a great day yesterday :)

    1. Thank you Jenny! He went to chuck e cheese so he was the happiest boy on earth! ;)
