Friday, August 30, 2013

What to do now?

"I don't need to see him for six months."

What? Really?! I'm starting to dig this come back in 6 months thing! Camden had an appt with GI yesterday and apparently Dr. C is pleased enough with his progress that we don't need to go back for a while. We also get to stop weight checks. Yay! He only gained two ounces in the last two weeks but Dr. C said that the overall picture looks really great. He said he looks healthy and that he's not concerned a bit right now. He said if I felt there was a problem and he wasn't gaining weight then I could come on in, but for now he's happy. You don't have to tell me twice! We pretty much left it at that and hopefully we won't see him until next year. We are going to try Miralax out for his pooping (or lack there of) issues. We've tried alternative measures but they don't seem to be working. When the plumbing is backed up, it just makes his reflux much worse. So, we will try this to see if it helps. The best part of the appointment was when we were leaving and walking through the clinic and Carter busts out singing "you know you want know you want know you want it". I don't think all the parents were impressed with his choice of lyrics. Hey, I can't help it if "Blurred Lines" is on everywhere. We did eventually have a discussion it, but it was kind of humorous at the time.

Camden also had his follow up with the ENT to check to see if there was still fluid in his ears. There was indeed fluid in the left ear but the right looked great. Dr. V does not want to do tubes this young because he says they usually fall out and he will just have to put them right back in. He wants to check again in two months and if there is still fluid we will schedule for him to get tubes. Works for me! 

      Happy about all the great news!

         Trooper as always!


After getting home yesterday and looking at the calendar I realized that Camden only has three more appts the rest of the year. I had to do a double take. One of those is the ENT and the others are well child checks. I can't tell you how great this feels! The past nine months have been non stop craziness it seems. People told me the first year is the worst and I can totally see why. The beginning was dealing with the NICU stay and emotions. Then came all the doctors and emotions. Next were more doctors, therapy and continued emotions. Now everything has settled and it all feels "normal". I know we have been so blessed with Camden's health and I thank God every day for that. Some of Camden's friends have had less medical issues than him, but there are several that had are have complex ones. We pray for them daily and sometimes I feel guilty that Camden is in pretty good health. I don't know what his future holds but I'm so thankful that everything has slowed down and is so good right now. I feel like we can finally breathe.

What to do now? I'm so used to going 100 miles an hour and now we are just cruising. I love it!

     I guess we have time for Baby Signing Time now!
         He was only interested for about 5 minutes.


  1. Sounds like he is doing great! I felt like I was going all the time during Owen's first year and I was SO glad when it finally slowed down. Our busy month now is April where we do all of his annual check ups since his birthday is in the beginning of May.

    I love the pic of the 2 boys together--very sweet!

    1. Thanks Stephanie! It seems like there is no end in sight at the beginning and then come up on the one year mark! I'm sure you know that all too well! :) Hope the school year goes well for Owen!

  2. Oh it feels so good when the appointments slow down! Love that he's trying out Baby Signing Time. I can't remember how long it took for Ben to even pay attention.

    1. I'm excited to really start them now! I feel like we finally have time to be consistent with it. I love that we can finally focus on something else! :)

  3. Yup, first year is the toughest. Getting use to running from appointment to appointment. Glad to hear things are slowing down for you guys. lol, Carter singing Blurred Lines cracked me up! haha

    1. Lol Jenny! I felt bad for getting on to him after because he said "but mama you sing that song". Hmmmm... ;)
