Sunday, March 3, 2013

That's A Wrap!

It was a pretty low key weekend around these parts, which is fine by me since our schedule has been so hectic. Camden seems to be doing better on the thickened feeds, but now he won't eat as much. I guess you can't have your cake and eat it to! I'm assuming it has to do with the added calories from the rice that's making him full. I can tell he's put on some weight in the past few days which would be great if it wasn't most likely due to the empty calories. I think I'm going to call the SLP and see what other kind of thickener we can use. Feeding is a really is. Feeding time should be this magical bonding time between a mother and her son. Well, that's not the case here. I'm positive Camden dreads it as much as I do sometimes. It takes about half an hour to get down 2-3 ounces and he thinks it's a great idea to keep falling asleep. Drink half an ounce...jostle him awake...burp. That's the routine. Everyone keep telling me "this too shall pass". I just wish it was more pleasurable for the both of us. At least he's eating right?!

Saturday and Sunday I got some much needed adult time. We had a few friends over Saturday and cooked out. It was nice to sit around a camp fire, chat and even drink a beer (or two). Sunday I went to a wrap party hosted by my dear friend Lynne. Even though I had two boys in was nice to just get out of the house. This was the first time that these friends got to meet Camden. I have to admit that I was a little nervous. In the back of my mind I wondered if they could see the features of Ds in Camden. I wondered what they were thinking when they held him. It's silly...I know. All my worries were quickly shoved aside when I saw how much they adored him! They held him and loved on him and treated him just like their own. I was secretly crying tears of joy inside. I don't know why I thought it would be any different because these girls are amazing! He has the best Aunties in the world! Another thing I worry about is if I should tell people that don't know that he has Ds. There were a few girls there I had never met and when they would look at Camden and comment on how cute he was, I felt the urge to blurt out "he has Down syndrome". I don't know why this is. I've had this conversation with my husband before and he of course thinks I'm crazy for wanting to tell everyone. In my mind the conversation always goes:

Stranger: "He's so cute!"
Me: "He has Down syndrome."

Where in the heck is the conversation supposed to go from there? How awkward is that? I'm the one who keeps saying that I want people to treat my son as Camden, not a diagnosis. Maybe I should lead be example. I'm getting there...really I am.

The body wraps are from a company called It Works. They have a large line of products such as fat burning pills, detox powders and firming gels. You apply one of the wraps to a body area of your choosing---there were many for me to pick from---and I chose the tummy. The wrap is infused with a botanically based formula that is supposed to tone, firm and tighten the problem area in 45 minutes. You repeat the application in 72 hours. I saw the before and after pictures and I must say I'm impressed. I'm excited to try the "greens" product which is a detoxifying, alkalizing powder. You mix the powder with water into a smoothie like drink and it gives you 8 servings of fruit and vegetables, promotes pH balance and has 3 herbs and nutrient rich "super foods". This is great for me since my diet is definitely lacking in these things. I'm super excited to see the results!

All in all it was a great weekend and tomorrow we get back to the grind and have our first ECI evaluation. I'm anxious about that one!






  1. So happy you came out. As always I enjoyed seeing Carter play with the boys and was so excited to meet Camden. Just like his big brother he is perfect. I'm ready for summer so we can have some play dates. Xoxo

    1. Lynne...we had so much fun! All three of us needed it! I don't know why I worried so much about what would happen when you guys saw Camden. I guess I can't help those thoughts running through my mind. You girls are the best! Love you!

  2. Oh goodness, do I have the same compulsion to tell everyone! I. Just. Can't. Help. It. I think it is finally getting better, but I still have that little debate on my head every time. Just to say, you're not alone, girl. :)

    1. It is literally right there on the tip of my tongue everytime! It's nice to know we all feel this way!

  3. Diane, this post had me cracking up! I do the exact same thing! Even if I don't say it out loud, I am thinking it in my head!! It's so funny how our journeys can all be so different, yet the same! I'm glad you had a good weekend. Oh and I need to know more about that body wrap! Kennedy will be 5 months Friday, but my body still looks like I'm about 6 months! My tummy could use some assistance! LOL

    1. From the very beginning I used to feel so alone in all my feelings and thoughts. It has been so comforting to know we all share similar experiences! I definitely could see a difference with the wrap the first I just need to wait the 72 hours. I like taking the easy way out when it comes to losing weight! ;)
