Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Mud Flaps

I was hoping to blog about our very first ECI evaluation, but no, stinkin mud flaps ruined the day. In starting this whole blogging thing I thought it would all revolve around Down syndrome. Ds has nothing to do with our crazy day yesterday. ECI was supposed to come out at 1:30 to our home to do the initial evaluation of Camden to see what types of therapies he will need. This is standard for children with Ds. They all need some type of physical, speech and occupational therapy. All morning I was frantically cleaning the house because let's face it, I haven't really been a great housekeeper lately. Approximately around 11:20 I get a call from the hubby and it goes something like this:

Richard: "I just got pulled over for a missing mud flap."
Me: "Uh, okay." ( Didn't really understand why he was calling me for this.)
Richard: "I think I have a warrant from an unpaid speeding ticket."
Me: "Uh, okay."
Richard: "Keep your phone on you."
Me: "Uh, okay."

I honestly didn't think anything of it and continued to sweep the floors. Not three minutes later the phone rings. Oh crap...can't be good. Let me sum it up for you. Get Camden in the carseat...pack up the diaper bag...go get gas...go get some money...drive 22 miles to Graham...meet my husband and cop on the side of the road. Did I forget to mention he had my 3 year old with him? The great thing about small towns is that the cops are usually laid back. I pull up and Richard is standing on the side of the road with the officer just chatting it up. Carter is in the truck singing (at least he's happy). The officer then instructs me on where to go to pay the ticket because unfortunately he has to take the hubby in (we won't say where). Then he continues to tell me where to go to pick him up after the ticket is paid. I must admit he was extremely nice. So off I go with my two sons to go pay the ticket. I look at the time and it's only 12:15. That's perfect! Lets go pay this thing and go get Richard and still make it home by 1:30. Wrong! Lunch time is from 12-1. Seriously?! Grrrrrrrr! So we sit, and we wait. I call our ECI lady and tell her I have to reschedule. She tells me it may be a while before they can come out again (Insert sad face here). She tells me she will call me back. I still haven't heard from her.

The good news is that the ticket was taken care of, we all got home okay and we have a total appointment free week now. I suppose there will be plenty of time for therapies and I should take the free snuggle time when I can get it! Lesson to all...take care of your tickets.


  1. Oh wow! That stinks about the ECI not coming out until later:( Our system has been really good about rescheduling. And what a day. I'd have wanted to kill my dh:P

    1. They finally rescheduled for 2 weeks from now. The whole time I was taking care of business I kept saying "I'm gonna kill him!" Then once I picked him up he smiled and laughed about it and I couldn't help but laugh with him. However, I tol him if he ever forgot to pay a ticket again I was going to kill him! ;)

  2. Your hubby is such a rebel! :-) That was a hilarious story, loved it! If it makes you feel any better, we have Early Intervention coming every other week and they only give me print outs of things to do with Ellie, which are things I'm already doing..

    1. It's probably a more interesting day than ECI would have been! ;) I figure they won't do much at such a young age, but I just want to get it done! One more thing to scratch off the long list!
