Monday, July 15, 2013


It is hard for me to believe that Camden will be 8 months old at the end of this month because I can't believe that 8 months has really gone by, and second because he doesn't really act like an 8 month old. I was reading  this post by my friend the other day about how she lied about how old her baby was in the moment. I chuckled a bit when I read it because I did the exact same thing not too long ago. Sometimes I just get so tired of people asking me the same question and getting the same Iooks. I used to try and explain but why should i have to? This is how the conversation pretty much goes with a stranger:

Stranger: Awwww what a cute baby... how old is he
Me: 7 months
Stranger: Oh really? He is so small!
Me: I know...thanks.

Then the conversation usually proceeds with them asking me what kinds of things he is doing developmentally. They really get the confused look on their face when I tell them we have been working hard on head and neck control. I used to throw in that he was a preemie and he has Ds, but I feel like I'm making excuses or trying to justify why he's so small, etc. I don't feel the need to do that anymore. He's just Camden.

With that said, let me update you on how he is doing developmentally. I have felt like we were at a standstill for a while because he was not doing anything new. I did get a little frustrated and started to blame myself for not working with him enough. Once I got over myself, I started to see what he is doing. He did stop rolling front to back a couple of months ago and still has no desire to roll back to front. We do exercises to try and help this, but he just doesn't seem interested. His head control is great these days. I don't really need to hold him in the cradle position or support his head much anymore when holding him. I can actually carry him on my hip and he will stay upright pretty much the entire time. This is a big change because he used to be a flopsy mopsy.

His sitting has improved greatly as well. He can't sit unsupported yet, but that's expected at his age. He does sit pretty well with support either in between my legs, in a bumbo, or just propped up. When he used to sit in his chair he would instantly start to lean, but now he can sit up for longer periods. When he gets tired though, he just starts to fold over.

We can actually use the highchair now!

The biggest thing he has started doing is bearing weight on his legs. Anytime we tried to get him to do this before he would either bend his legs up in refusal, or his legs would be like spaghetti and just fall to the floor. Now he will stand for a couple of minutes at a time until his legs give out. I have to hold him or support him of course, but this is a major improvement. The great thing is that he loves this position! He will laugh and smile the whole time. We are so proud of him!

I think the important thing for me to remember is that he will reach all those milestones, but at his own pace. Even though it may be slow is progression. It doesn't really matter how long it takes because I don't want to rush things. Like I always say, "one day at a time".


  1. One day at a time. Probably wise advice for all parents, huh? I think the kiddos just like to keep us on our toes. ;)

    1. Now, if only I can follow my own advice! ;)

  2. The standing is GREAT! Ben didn't bear weight on his legs till he was at least a year. Every time I would try to pull him up, he would just keep his legs in a sitting position. It was really funny, but frustrating!

    1. I know! I'm so surprised he is doing that since he really dislikes doing anything else. Trying to picture Ben in a sitting position while trying to stand...pretty funny! ;)

  3. Earlier reply is right on target Diane. One day at a time. Patience is hard to wrangle. You are with him all hours. Its harder for you to see the growth and changes. I see it in the pics and your comments. Hes beautiful and one day you'll be looking at a great looking young man wondering where the time went. Yall have a great day. Enjoy the low temps and rain! Oh yea. Its jim. I have to post as anonymous cause I can't figure this out. Lol

    1. Lol Jim! I think you are right about not noticing things because I see him everyday. It's hard to see that he is growing! I definitely don't want to rush this time with him. I want to savor every moment!

      This rain is awesome! I think we are getting the bulk of it tonight here. Haven't had a whole lt yet. Much needed!!!

  4. You know, I wrote a post quite similar to this when Russell was about 7 months old, so I cant totally relate to what you wrote here!

    Camden is doing everything Russell was at that very age, so I think he is doing awesome developmentally! One thing I can tell you, and I say it all the time...If I could go back to Russell's first year I would have worried less and just enjoyed it. It's hard to in the moment though when you're worried about what to be working on with him next, so I get that. But like you said above, just take it one day at a time. Camden will do everything eventually. Just enjoy that boy of yours :)

    1. Just read that post...almost identical! It makes me feel better, so thank you for sharing that. Seeing how fast the year is going, I need to take a step back and breathe so I can enjoy it more. You are exactly right Jenny! :)
