Monday, July 29, 2013

Conflicted and Overwhelmed

There have been a million things going on in my brain lately. I am constantly wondering if I'm doing enough for Camden. Right after we got the Ds diagnosis I immediately dug into my research. Part of my research was focused on ways to help him achieve his absolute best potential. All it did was give me a huge headache, so therefore I decided to revisit it all when he was six months old. Well, now he is eight months old so I have begun my research again. It's extremely overwhelming. I'm hoping some of you more experienced moms can maybe help me out and give me some advice.

I'm so conflicted about supplements. I have found this to be a very touchy subject in the Ds community. There are those that swear by them, and then there are those who say it's all bunk. Several moms say that they have noticed major improvements after starting certain multivitamins and other supplements. They say that their cognition and physical development took off. However, there are those that don't give them and their kiddos are doing awesome as well. The only things we are giving Camden right now is a probiotic and DHA. He seems to have a lot of tummy troubles and this is why we chose to give a probiotic. We give DHA because it's known for having a positive impact on brain development. I ordered Nutrivene, but I just can't seem to give it. If I'm not 100% sure, I don't want to do it. So, it just sits on the counter. When I read the lists of supplements that some moms give it blows me away. Sometimes there are over 20 things on that list. It really makes my head spin. I'm just so conflicted about this whole thing.

Another thing I have read a lot about is neuro-developmental treatment. This is basically an advanced therapeutic approach of therapy for those with neurological challenges. Again, there are great testimonials out there about how this type of therapy has worked wonders for their little ones. The problem is that it's expensive as crap. If I really thought this is what Camden needed, we would find a way to make it happen. How do I know if this is what we should do? We are just doing ECI now. Is that enough? I don't know. 

Last, but now least, is the topic of immunizations. We were having a discussion about this with my cyber sisters and I was honestly so surprised at how many do not vaccinate. I think that is becoming more common these days. I absolutely do not judge anyone for their decision. You have to do what is right for you. I have always been pro vaccination. I mean, there was absolutely no question about it. I was vaccinated and to this day both of my children are as well. As a nurse I know what not vaccinating can do. It's scary stuff. Children have died from measles, whooping cough, etc because of not vaccinating. However, there is a lot of talk about how vaccinations can cause injury to the brain and to the body in general. I'm not gonna lie. I do worry about this. Maybe we can just do a delayed schedule so the vaccines are spread out a bit. I just don't know!

I don't want to make the wrong decisions. I don't want to not do something that could possibly help my son. My gut really tells me to just keep doing what we are doing. Maybe I should just go with that. Besides, didn't I say that I was just going to let him be a baby?!


  1. I was exactly like you my first year in raising Russell. I was terrified I was going to miss out on something that would help him. I was scared to not research every little thing and then three years down the road realized I missed something big that could have helped. I wore myself out. And so my advice to you is...

    Let Camden be who he is going to be. Follow your gut and help him the best you know how...But don't beat yourself up worrying about what everyone else is saying works for their child. There will always be people out there who swear by this or that, when really their child could just be growing up and changing all on their own, never mind all the vitamins and whatnot.

    Follow your gut on this one. And you know, don't research to much. It can be helpful but also it gets to the point where it's just a huge waste of time. There will always be something out there we parents wonder about. Each of us parents has to find a path that works for us. For me, I'm just going to let my boy be who he is...I am not going to try every gimmick or theory out there, and I think we'll be just fine.

    1. Thank you so much Jenny! I needed to hear all of that! I think I just wanted someone with more experience to tell me if I don't do these things that he will still be just fine. I stopped researching all the medical stuff only to move on to this stuff. Talk about headaches. You're right. .. it's a waste of precious time. Thank you again!

  2. It is crazy all the information out there and all the things some parents are giving their kids. We are currently doing a probiotic and DHA like you and like you, I have been looking into Nutrivene or something like it for Baxter. I spoke with his pediatrician about it who did some research, from a medical perspective mind you, and said he thought it was a good idea. I want to at least try it and my goals for it are not short-term but long-term. I could give a crap if it helps him talk more or learn more right now but I'm thinking about 20, 30, 40 years down the road and trying to fend off early Alzheimers. The anti-oxidants in these supplements are what attracts me the most. His pediatrician said he thought it was definitley worth it for the long-term effects. So that's just my two cents. We'll start it soon and if it gets to be too much to deal with maybe we'll stop, but for me, it's worth a try. I can't get on board with the neuro-developmental stuff. Anything that costs that much seems crazy to me. If it helps so much, it should be offered to everyone for a reasonable price not thousands of dollars or whatever the heck it costs. Ultimately Diane--it's YOUR call and what YOU think is right for Camden. Either way---he will still be totally adorable!

    1. That's my thinking to Crystal. If these programs work "wonders" then they should be offered to everyone. Richard thinks it's crazy too and he definitely is not on board with it. I also think the supplements won't hurt. If it can help him with overall health then why not? He was on poly vi sol since he was a preemie so it's really not that different. All the other stuff drives me crazy. I can't imagine giving him so many things as a baby.

    2. Yeah it can definitley get out of hand and like you, I can't even imagine trying to give him 30 things a day. Who has time for that!
