Wednesday, July 24, 2013

(3) on 21

I'm participating in my first ever blog hop! This one is a community project of Down syndrome blogs and the T21 Writer's Alliance

One Truth:

Sometimes Down syndrome just sucks. I used to be afraid to voice that opinion, but I have come to realize it's the truth for me and it's okay to say. I love my son with all my heart and that is why it's difficult to see him struggle with medical issues and development. I will have to fight hard for him and his future. I know it will always be this way and that just stinks. 

One Tip:

Enjoy your baby! We are pretty new to this whole thing so I don't have a bucket of tips yet, but this is a big one I can give. A baby is just that...a baby. They need you to feed them, hold them, love on them and play with them. Don't worry about all that other stuff you can't control right now. Spend time connecting with your child. Treat them just like you would any of your other children. I wish I would have taken my own advice 8 months ago. I spent too much time worrying and crying and now I can't get that time back. So again, enjoy your baby!

One Photo:



  1. Very good advice! Worry will always be there to greet you, but life is just too unpredictable to spend the time on worrying. Oh, Camden, you are too cute!

    1. You are so totally right! I still worry, but it's a lot better than it used to be. I can only hope it gets even better!

  2. I agree....some days it really sucks, especially evaluation days. Ugh those are the worst. I love you little dude so seriously.

    1. We haven't even had an evaluation yet. I'm so not looking forward to one. Baxter needs to give Camden some tips! :)

  3. We just had an evaluation and it was much less awkward than I thought it would be. You never know, you might be surprised!

    He is just too much. The smile slays me every time!

    1. I hope so! I pretty much know what he is and isn't doing so I don't think I'll be real surprised by it anyway. We started late so I think we will have our 6 month one around 10 months old.

      I need to come to Cali and see your precious taters! I'm still chuckling about the imaginary friend. ;)

  4. That truly is the best advice ever,to just enjoy our children! And the truth is, yes sometimes Ds sucks, and it's ok to say that out loud. To many of us are afraid to voice that thought because we fear people may think we don't love our child, which is ridiculous of course, because we obviously love our children...But sometimes the issues that come with Ds are tough...So ya, there are days where it sucks and it's ok to admit it!

    Great post!

    1. I didn't want to be negative, but that was my truth right now. I hope as more time goes by I'll have something more insightful to share. ;)

  5. What an adorable little guy you've got there! Looks like he's just a couple months older than my son. I'm right on board with both of your points. :) It does seem like these baby days are going by awfully fast!

    1. Thanks Katie! They are going by way too fast huh?! It's hard to believe he will be a year old in a few months. I feel like I've missed so much already!

      Ps...just saw pics of your little guy. He is way to stinkin cute!
