Friday, February 15, 2013

Feeling Better

Yesterday was not a great day. After Camden came home from the NICU I became obsessed with keeping him well. When I say obsessed, I mean over the top borderline crazy obsessed. I felt like I was constantly saying to my three year old, "Don't touch him! Wash your hands! Stop sneezing around him!" Poor Carter, he just wants to love on his baby bubba! We are in the midst of one of the worse Flu/RSV seasons there is and I am just paranoid. Well you know where that got me? Absolutely nowhere! I woke up at 4am to feed Camden yesterday and the poor boy could not breathe! He is always snorty ( supposedly that's normal due to narrow passageways, blah, blah, blah ) but he was REALLY snorty yesterday and gasping for air. There is nothing worse than looking at you child and seeing the look of sheer panic on their face! After calming him down I was able to feed him some and he started to fall asleep. I called the pediatrician's office as soon as they opened and made an appt. They did and RSV test and it came back negative, thank goodness! His oxygen saturation level was 90-91%. He is normally 99-100%. Since he was still eating and keeping his O2 levels around 90% there was not much else to do. I was just thankful that we could go home and that he didn't need oxygen. He has a "floppy airway" issue and any illness makes it so much harder to breathe. I am happy to report that after using good ol home interventions,  he is feeling much better today! I need to realize that I can not prevent everything! In trying to do so I have only stressed myself out and hurt Carter's feelings (that is exactly what he told me). God in in control, not me!

Poor boy was not feeling it yesterday!

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