Sunday, January 19, 2014

A Good Cry

Kids grow up so fast, don't they? For some reason I feel that way about Camden lately. I know he's only a year old, but he's moving out of the little baby phase and that has made me a little sad. I'm sure it has something to do with several people I know having babies lately and seeing newborns everywhere. I think most moms can agree that there is just something so sweet and special about holding that tiny little newborn in your arms and against your chest. It's such a tender moment. I remember holding Carter when he was a baby all day and night because I just never wanted to put him down. Several people would tell me that he would get too spoiled and that I shouldn't do that. I never believed that theory, and frankly I never cared. It felt right to keep him close to me. I kind of feel like I was robbed of the whole newborn period with Camden and I think that's why I've been so emotional the past few days. Of course I decide to break down and start crying in front of my friends at work yesterday. I had to quickly stop the tears because it wasn't the most appropriate place to be a blubbering mess. However, I think I needed a good cry. Through the crazy emotional rollercoaster that started after Camden's birth, the one thing that kept me sane was getting to cuddle my sweet boy. Being at the hospital and holding that tiny little peanut in my arms was the only time that I felt at peace. I could forget about everything that was going on when I held him in my arms. As soon as I would leave the hospital, I just felt sick again. Once I was able to take him home, I spent so much time worrying and researching instead of taking the time to snuggle him. That part with my fault. I still wish that I could go back and do things differently. I do try to hold him and cuddle him as much as I possibly can, but these days he just wants to move all the time and doesn't like to be held in one spot. I guess that's all part of him growing up. I do love seeing his personality and skills blossom, but sometimes I like to reminisce about he days when he was so small and fit perfectly in the crook of my neck.


  1. Owen used to be so cuddly and I loved it when he fell asleep in my arms. I would hold as long as I could before putting him in his crib. He refuses any cuddling now.....too much of a big boy! But he will willing give hugs and kisses, many times without even being asked. They find their own ways to show affection.

    Camden is probably a lot like Owen....once he got on the move, there was NO stopping him!! :)

    1. I can't wait for Camden to start purposely giving me hugs and kisses! He will cuddle me for about a second and then he pops his head right up and he starts bouncing everywhere. He just wants to go go go! :)

  2. Me too, me too. I think mine has definitely been accentuated by all the newborns around me as well. Part of it has also been because it seems like our group of moms has left those early days, and it feels like our kids growing up is also a sign of how much has changed for us. Anyways. I didn't have a particular point except to say that I'm right there with you!

    1. Right?! I can't believe some of the kiddos are turning 2 and most of them are 1! I still remember the very early days so clearly. I definitely get baby fever these days, but we already decided we are done. :( I'll have to live vicariously through everyone else's babies! ;)

  3. This picture is just precious. I remember holding Russell just like that for hours wishing he would always stay that small. Now he is a four year old little monster crashing around the house and the last thing he wants to ever do is snuggle! lol...It goes by so fast!
