This is Owen! He is 21 months old now! In the past year, he has learned to eat and walk! Owen's mom says it has been a big year for all of them!
I also want to mention that Owen's mommy is a rock star too! She started the Rockin' Moms group that I'm in that has been so therapeutic for me. I've made so many friends that are like sisters and I love them and their children dearly. Since the first Rockin' Moms was started, there have been many more started by Jen to help other moms all around the world. There is also a Rockin' Dads too! As if that were not enough, Jen and several other good friends started DSDN. Down Syndrome Diagnosis Network is an amazing resource for new parents seeking support and information. If you haven't checked out the website yet, please do so!
Our Mission: The Down Syndrome Diagnosis Network (DSDN) supports families with current information and real-life accounts of life with Down syndrome during the prenatal to early childhood phases. DSDN is committed to facilitating unbiased, family-centered discussion of Down syndrome within the medical community. We strive to cultivate a culture of acceptance and inclusion for people with Down syndrome at all stages of life. (From the DSDN website)

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