Last year a dear friend decided to post a pic of a sweet babe along with some info about them as well to her Facebook page every day for Down syndrome awareness month. With permission I also shared those here for the 31 for 21 blog challenge. This year she has continued this great project with a little update on how the past year has been. There is also some new updated pics of these cuties! So, of course I had to share again this year!
We will start with Eli! He is now 23 months old. On the left is Eli a year ago, and on the right is Eli now, rockin' an awesome mohawk! I have gotten to know Eli's mama over the past two years online and have watched this sweet boy grow up in pictures. Hopefully I'll met them in person some day soon!
Eli's mom says: "In the past year (after a hellacious first year), Eli started crawling, cruising, taking steps, saying words, signing words, blowing kisses, and continued being one of the best blessings in our lives. Most importantly, he has been healthy!!!"
(P.S. If you happen to live in the greater Seattle area, you might recognize Eli's handsome mug from the side of a bus--he's a poster child for Seattle Children's Hospital!)

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