Well, I guess it's been summer for a month now. I feel like we have been going full blast and I can't believe it's July already! I must admit we have been filling our days with mostly fun and not work. I was going to make this an update post on Camden about doctor's appointments, therapy, blah blah blah...but I'll do that next time. Instead I'll share some pics from our summer so far.
Last week we got to meet up with some Rockin Moms and their little ones at the Gaylord in Grapevine. The women I always refer to as Rockin Moms are the ones I first connected with online after bringing Camden home from the NICU. These ladies were a life saver for me. I literally had no one to talk to about what I was feeling. A lot of these women were going through the same emotions as I was and it was nice to be able to openly share my feelings. We are all very close and we are located all across the country and in Australia as well! There have been several Rockin Mom groups started since Jen first created this one. It's truly something amazing and I'm thankful for these women every single day. I cry with them and laugh with them. They are my family and I love them and their children so very much.

I took Carter to Six Flags a couple of weeks ago for the first time. I wasn't sure how it would go since he is still a bit young, but he LOVED it! He's definitely not a dare devil and gets scared easily. I was surprised he rode as many rides as he did. A lot of them were in the kiddie land, but he rode a couple of the bigger roller coasters too. It was just a mommy and Carter date and I think he needed that time alone with me. Even though it was steamy hot, we had a blast!

We have also been hanging out at the water park...

Spending time in the bookstore (especially since it's so hot outside)...

Doing some shopping...

And visiting with big bubba!

We go on vacation next week and I am so darn excited! Even Richard is excited and he never gets that way about going on vacation. We will drive to Indianapolis for the NDSC convention first and spend a few days there. I'll get to see some Rockin Moms that I've met before, plus meet some others and their babes in person for the first time! I'll hopefully get to see some friends that I've met in the blogging world too! Camden and Carter will attend Kid's Camp while Richard and I go to various workshops. I don't know how Camden will do since he's going through separation anxiety and stranger danger right now. It may not be pretty. At least Richard and I will both be there so one could get Camden if need be. After Indiana we will drive to Branson and spend four days there. Carter asks every day when we are leaving. I love that he's so excited because that's really what it is all about! Wish us luck on our 15 hour road trip!
Your boys are so cute! I'll bet Carter loved that mommy/me date with you. Those are so special.
ReplyDeleteI can't wait to meet you and your family at the NDSC next weekend. I'm so excited! I've got to make sure I get a little squeeze from Camden too. Owen will be spending time at the Kids' Camp also so maybe he'll get to play with your boys. :)
Great pictures :)
ReplyDeleteHave fun at the NDSC next weekend! Can't wait to hear all about it.
I'm soooo jealous of everyone going to Indy. I hope to make it one day. Love the pics!