Gross motor:
There is really not a whole lot of new stuff going on in this department. This is still very much his weakness. He actually has pretty decent tone, so I still think it's a matter of him being an observer. He has found a way to move some by belly diving and then sitting up...belly diving and then sitting up...and so forth. He will do this over and over to get to something. He will not stay on his belly to attempt to crawl. He can't cover much area doing this, but he does get around.
He is also trying desperately to pull himself to stand. He can do it if you set him up and support him, but he can't fully do it on his own. I think he will actually accomplish this one soon!
We are doing a lot of bench/stool sitting to help strengthen his core. I couldn't find our little stool the other day, so we improvised with one of our many empty coffee cans. He actually enjoys this and will sit on it forever if you let him.
It has been fun to watch Camden grow in this area. He's always been a social baby and would interact with you through his facial features. Now he has started really engaging with others. He finally started clapping. He did this once or twice before several months ago, but then it stopped. Now he's doing it all the time. It's a small thing, but nice to see!
He also waves hi and bye now. Again, he did this a couple of times before but it stopped as well. He does it a lot now. He actually will say "hi" occasionally when he's waving too! I didn't know he could do this until we were in the grocery store and he started waving his hand and saying "hi" over and over again. I thought he was just making random noises and movements and then I noticed a lady behind me was waving at him. That was a proud moment for this mommy.
He also has recently found his love for the all time favorite game of "peek-a-boo". He gets very excited with this one. He doesn't want you to uncover your eyes yourself though, he prefers to move your hands for you. That's what makes him really happy!
This boy also loves music and dances all the time. He's developed a new little dance whenever he hears a song and it's super cute. Sometimes he rocks his body to the music but usually it's the arm dance.
We have progressed a lot in this area, but now there are some behavioral issues that are making feeding times stressful. We have been completely off bottles for a couple of months now. We only use straw cups and he rocks it in this department! However, he still wants you to hold the cup for him. Ugh. We are working on it. He has also started self feeding and even using his pincer grasp. We are not using utensils yet, but that's okay. Self feeding was a huge accomplishment for him! With all that said, I'm having troubles getting this child to eat now. He spits food out all the time. He covers his mouth and shakes his head "no". He throws up his arms saying "all done". It doesn't happen all the time, but it is a lot of the time. I think it's a phase and just typical toddler behavior (I hope) so we will just work though it.
There has been little progress in speech, but any progress is good. Camden has about five words that he has verbalized appropriately which are "milk", "ma ma", "bu bu", "uh oh", and "hi". He does occasionally repeat words but then does not use them again. We are lacking a little in the signing department too. However, he really had no signs before, but now signs "milk", "all done", and "dog". He has found his pointer finger and loves to point to things and hear me tell him what it is. He knows the Korean word for nose (ko) and will point to it when you use the word. I have to give my mom credit for that one.
All in all I'm so proud of my sweet little man! I know he will accomplish many more things and I can't wait to share those moments with him. He is turning into a toddler more and more each day. It's so hard to believe he's not a baby anymore. Sniff sniff. I have a feeling that Camden is going to keep this mama pretty busy!
He is doing so well! He and Owen are a lot alike, doing things at nearly identical timelines. :)
ReplyDeleteAs far as self-feeding goes, just as Owen was getting it together, he went through a spurt where he just didn't want to eat much. Some of it was due to teething and some through a growth spurt. Just keep offering and eventually he'll get back in the groove. It's great that he's showing a pincer grasp--so important! Don't worry about utensils. Offer him a spoon or a fork each time he eats, maybe even spear a piece of food on the fork too. Let him get a feel for it. It's OK if he chews on them a little bit too. It's good oral stimulation. When you feed oatmeal, yogurt, pudding, etc., do some hand over hand with him on the utensils so he can get an idea about what that feels like and how it works. It will come!
We did a lot of sitting in a cube chair and then standing up. Once Owen was standing, we'd encourage him to take a few steps and that's how he got to walking. We also used a fun walker toy and that really motivated him to get going.
Keep up the great work, Camden (and Mama!)!
Thank you Stephanie! Some days I feel like Camden only eats yogurt and toast. ;) He is teething for sure so i bet that has a lot to do with it like you said. Good tips with the utensils! He loves to play with them for sure.
DeleteWow!! You guys are doing great with Cam. Thank you for sharing.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much! ;)
DeleteCutie! I love the dancing video. :) He's growing up!
ReplyDeleteThank you Deborah! I still can't believe he's not an infant anymore!
DeleteOh I just loved this!! He is doing, really, really great Dianne. And each one of these milestones is HUGE! When Russell was that age he use to drop skills sometimes too. Like he would learn something, or learn a new word, do it a few times and then not again for months. It all comes together in the end though. Cam is doing amazing just keep doing what you're doing...The video's were super cute too :)
ReplyDeleteThank you Jenny! I wondered if he would ever do things again that he stopped doing. Good to know it's not uncommon. It's fun to watch him turn into a toddler!
DeleteI'm dying over here from cuteness over that dancing video!!!! He's so awesome Diane!
ReplyDeleteLol. You're too sweet Crystal! ;) Thank you. Oh...yay Baxter for taking steps! Woohoo!