Tuesday, December 10, 2013

A Gift of Possibility

I wonder if others in different states laugh at us Texans when winter weather comes in. We get some ice or snow and we pretty much shut down and some of us freak out. We got a few inches of sleet last Thursday and it just created an icy mess. I will say that my drive to and from work was terrifying and I think I may have had a few mini heart attacks. The problem is that a lot of us (like me) are not experienced in traveling in this kind of stuff and our vehicles are not equipped for it either. Our roads and highways aren't as well groomed during winter weather as in other places. Although we all had some major cabin fever and couldn't get home for a while, I am blessed that we had a roof over our heads and heat!

I'm excited to say that I recently became a part of a group of women that started a new adventure a while back. Their goals were to provide moms and families who receive a new diagnosis of Ds with real information and real life stories. So many women have said that when they received a prenatal or birth diagnosis that is was given in such a negative way. We want to change this. We want to change the hearts and minds of those in the medical community who may not have a positive perception of T21. We still have a lot of work to do but are making huge strides. I want to encourage you to send a holiday card to your OB, pediatrician and any other medical provider that you think needs to see how our families are just like any other families. We want to give them a glimpse into what our lives really look like. Please join us and share the gift of possibility!

Please check out my friend's blog where she explains this more in detail and much better than I can.
  Another new exciting thing that we became a part of is I Run 4. IR4 is a non profit organization that pairs runners with children and adults who have special needs or who can't run for themselves. There are thousands of individulas who are part of this and it's so amazing to meet new friends and to hear other people's stories. The inspiration, love and encouragement shared daily is truly special. I'll share this statement from their website because it pretty much sums it up perfectly.
"The mental and emotional encouragement for both runner and honorary runner is proving to be a whole new level of motivation and awareness.  Runners are able to find a whole new sense of purpose in their running while sharing who they are running for and bringing awareness to diseases and disabilities of all types."  (http://www.whoirun4.com/about-ir4/)
We have been on the waiting list for a match for a couple of months and finally got our match a few days ago with the wonderful Ms. Cynthia. After we were matched I found out that Cyn is good friends with Bri's runner. Bri is Camden's little buddy that we have known for several months and I have had the pleasure of meeting her and her mommy a couple of times now. Then I found out that Bri's runner is good friends with Owen's runner! Confused yet? Owen is also one of Camden's buds that we've known for a while and got to meet him and his family in Chicago. Owen's mommy is also the blogger I linked above. Small world huh? It's amazing how we are all connected! I would have never met these wonderful people if it weren't for Camden.


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