Thursday, July 11, 2013

This and That

It seems like we have been so busy and yet I feel like I have not accomplished much this summer. I think we only have one doctor's appointment this month (please go knock on some wood for me) which is a record for us. We did have to swing by the pediatrician last week for a weight check and it was the first time in a long time that I was HAPPY about his weight! He weighed 14 lbs 2 oz. He gained about 9 ounces in two weeks which is way better than it has been. We are supposed to follow up with GI next month and until then they want weekly or every week weight checks. I think we are going to go with every other week. I mean, who really wants to go to the doctor's office every week?! I don't know if it's the avocados, the Lasix, or just him...but it's working.

                Doesn't he just look bigger?! 

Does anyone have experience with a three year old going through emotional turmoil? I know I have a lot of friends out there that have kids around the same age as Carter. Are they extremely emotional? It's not terrible three's, it's just end of the world type of crying about everything. For example, the other day he fell on his knees outside (which happens all the time without tears) and you would have thought he broke both of his legs. He's screaming at the top of his lungs holding his leg and saying "I can't walk, I can't walk". This goes on all night long. He literally would not get out of the bed because he thought he couldn't walk and just cried and cried about it. So, being the nice and sympathetic mom that I am, I picked him up and put him on the floor and told him to stop being a baby and walk. That was a mistake! There was more screaming, more crying, and just an all out emotional breakdown. This happens almost every other day with all types of situations. He's not done this before so it's all new to me. Hopefully it's just a phase. 

 I will say that he is always happy around his baby bubba!

I finally went and got a haircut the other day since I was childless. I'm losing hair like crazy and decided to just chop it all off. It's not that short, but pretty short. Anyhow, I don't get my hair done often so I don't have a regular hairdresser. I know friends who have had the same hairdresser for years and they know everything about each other. For me, it's always a new random person which means new random conversations. While she was washing my hair we started talking about our kids and how she is pregnant now and whether or not we wanted more. I told her we were done (my husband says his four sons are plenty) and she said she thought she was done as well. She went on to say she was done because she was getting older. I pretty much already knew what was going to be said next. I could just sense it. "I don't want to have a sick baby with problems like Down syndrome", she says. Ouch! That stung a little. I wasn't mad at all and I can't really blame her for saying that. It's not like I went around during my pregnancy saying "Oh I hope this baby has Down syndrome". In fact, I was hoping that he didn't. That's all different now of course. I wanted to tell her about Camden, but then I thought she would feel bad for what she said and it would make for a very awkward hour of haircutting. So, I kept my mouth shut and continued our pleasant conversation just kind of smiling inside my head.

Definitely not a sick baby (today anyway) and definitely not a problem!

Our one appointment is with the pulmonologist to discuss the results of the sleep study a whole month later. It's crazy that it takes so long. I booked our vacation to Chicago for August and I can't tell you how excited the hubby and I are excited about this. For one, we need it badly. We just need to get away for a few days. For another, I'm going to meet up with several of my cyber sisters and fellow blogging mamas for a couple of those days. I can't wait!!!!!

I bought some baby boy them!


  1. Camden looks great! You can totally tell he is starting to fill out.

    Ouch. The comment from the hair dresser. Ya, I find when things like that have been said to me I always fall silent. In the moment I never know how to correct a person or what to say, but then at home I can think of a million things I should have said! People just don't realize how much has changed for people with Ds over the years. How amazing their lives really are.

    About the three year old melt downs, they suck, but it's probably just a phase. Hopefully he snaps out of it soon!

    1. I definitely never know what to say in the moment! I think if she were intentionally being rude I may I have spoken up. I'm sure there will be plenty more times for me to do so. :)

  2. I can tell he is getting bigger! yay! He's such a darling. Have a great time on your trip!

    1. Thanks Crystal! I wish you lived around that area so we could meet! Some day! :)

  3. For what its worth, terrible 2s I found is just the age it starts. Itll end soon. But sometimes lasts till they're 4 now being dramatic like that is usually indicative of wanting attention and i know you know this. But since he doesnt have your full and complete attention 24/7 anymore, he'll increase the drama 10 fold. Remember, in his mind he was number one. Now hes feeling like number 2. Perfectly absolutely normal. I'm not a child psychologist but I played one for years with mine. Lol

    1. I can tell he feels left out especially during therapy. I'm trying to be overly understanding and at the same time teach him that some behavior is not acceptable. It's funny, I always ask him if he wants a mommy and Carter day and he always says "but I want baby bubba to come too". He's such a good boy!
