Camden wakes up every morning with a big smile on his sweet little face. He still sleeps in our room (I just can't seem to put him on the other side of the house) so we instantly know when he's awake. Since my husband is so amazing, he is the one who ususally gets him to feed him his first bottle. Richard always tells me that Camden is waiting patiently in his bed with a big grin. I get to witness this every so often when Richard has to leave early and I get to be the one to lift him out of the bed. There is no better way to start your day!
I'm really starting to see the bond grow between Carter and Camden. Carter has always loved his baby bubba, but would often get bored since Camden would just kind of lay there. Now that Camden is more active and more expressive Carter is wanting to be around him all the time. I will be in the other room sometimes and then will come into the room where the boys are and I will find Carter leaning over Camden hugging him and kissing him. Then he always says "I love you baby bubba". It is the sweetest thing ever. He gets down on the floor with him for tummy time to play with him. If Camden is fussy and tired we usually put him in his rock n play and rock him to sleep. Now Carter does the same. Camden will watch Carter closely (maybe it's more to keep an eye on him) and will just smile. It's so amazing to see the connection forming between these two. We don't get to see the big bubbas much because they are just so busy. It's summer so there is always something going on and one has a full time job. We did get to see Rylie a few days ago and I still get a warm and fuzzy feeling in my heart when I see him interacting with his younger brothers. I don't even have to ask him if he wants to hold Camden, he will just reach out to take him. There is much love there.
Camden is starting to "talk" even more these days. He started babbling more a while back, but then would stop or just do it every once in a while. Now he is actually putting together ba ba ba and ma ma ma sounds which is great to hear! He has been talking almost non stop the last few days and I'm loving it. Most of the time he really looks like he has something very serious to say and it's so stinkin cute.
These are just a few great things going on right now around here. It really is pretty great most of the time. I only share the negatives because I want to be honest and it helps to get the feelings out. I do not ever want to forget the positives though, because those are so much better!