I keep meaning to sit down and type, but it's either been crazy busy or we've been trying to enjoy the nice weather as much as we can. Last week's weather was beautiful. There were several days that were in the 60's and 70's and we definitely took advantage of it while we had it. We took the boys to the Fort Worth Stock Show last week. Carter is at the age where everything is so exciting and it was great to see him have fun. Camden just loved being out and looking at the animals and watching all the people.
We spent a couple of days lounging around the house doing absolutely nothing but hanging out outside. One of the great things about living in the country is that there is a lot of area for the boys to run around. Carter stayed out from morning to night and I would bring Camden out in between naps. Carter is starting to take after his daddy and is turning into a little country boy. He drives the tractor with Richard and is able to take the wheel on his own for the most part. He even wanted to help daddy clean the ducks. I have a feeling he will be hunting with Richard in the next couple of years and will definitely be fishing with him this year!
Camden was practicing his crawling position in the pack n play.
Camden had a couple of doctor's appointments today with the ENT and cardiologist. The ENT was just a follow up on the tubes he had placed. The doc said everything looked great and that we will have to come back every six months for a while for a check up.
The cardiology appointment is the one I've been anxiously awaiting for the past 6 months. They checked his weight first and he's still a tiny peanut at 17 pounds 13 ounces. His cardiologist wasn't concerned because he said he looked pretty proportional and really healthy. He then had an echo which essentially showed the same thing as every other echo he has had. I guess it was good news and bad news. I was really hopeful that the hole would be smaller. However, it is not putting any strain on his heart and his pressures are good. He continues to show no symptoms from it, and that is good news. He will have another echo in six months and we will continue to wait and watch. The doc still seems optimistic about the hole closing and said it just may take another year or two. If the hole has not closed by the time he is three, then we will discuss what to do next. So long story short, there is no new news. We will be positive and keep praying!
I will write an update on milestone development and therapy in the next couple of days. I feel like Camden has changed so much in the last few weeks and it's so exciting! I hope everyone has a safe and fun Super Bowl weekend!